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Welcome to the free general web directory list. All the directories on this list meet the search engine friendly requirements for Directory Critic. We encourage all our visitors to rate the directories they submit to. We also have a report function so you can report list problems straight Directory Critic admin.

Directory Critic currently has 1484 general free directories its database!

And a total of 3074 free directories including niche lists

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About Directory Critic Directory Critic started as a simple web directory list in 2006 and over time has evolved into a comprehensive resource to help webmasters build backlinks and promote their website(s). The site now incorporates massive free, paid & recip web directory lists, as well as niche and article directories.

Our aim is to provide the most up-to-date directory resource on the web. We make as many as 100 changes per day to our directory lists. Inactive directories are deleted, directory changes are reported and made, and as many as 100 directories are added every week.

Directory Critic v2.0 now includes webmaster tools, directory submission, weekly email alerts and directory templates. We plan on building our services in 2007 to provide a complete resource for both webmasters and directory owners.

It's All Search Engine Friendly!

For a website to get "credit" for an incoming link the link must be search engine friendly. This basically means that the search engines can find link and credit the website for it. We have strict regulations about what resources we list on Directory Critic; they must be search engine friendly. This applies to every directory listed on this site, including article directories.

We manually review every directory before we list it on Directory Critic. And any directory found to be breaking the rules is removed straight away. Users can report any directory on our lists.

Unique Rating System We wanted a way that webmasters could rate the resources on this site so we came up with a webmaster rating system. The idea was that webmasters would rate the resources listed on Directory Critic and this would give the resource points which would effect their position on the lists. The resource with the most points would be at the top of the list. This means that the best directories would receive more traffic from this site and directory owners would be rewarded for their efforts in design, management and promotion.

We monitor this system on a daily basis and have tools that enable us to easily spot directory owners that try to manipulate the system.

Search Engine Data By clicking the "view details" link beside each directory the user can easily see how many indexed pages and backlinks the directory has in the three major search engines. This data can help our users decide whether it is worth paying the inclusion fee for that directory.

User Reporting Function Keeping an up-to-date list is one of the biggest challenges we have faced. There is nothing more annoying that visiting a directory you believe to be free, selecting a category and filling out the submission form only to find you will be charged for your listing. We have combated this problem adding a report link beside each directory allowing our list users to report the directory.

These reports are sent straight to Admin and delt with within 24 hours. This allows us to keep the lists as up-to-date as possible making for a much better user experience.

Free PHPLD Templates Directory Critic now hosts free PHP Link Directory templates from a variety of designers. You can check out the templates we have available on the site by visiting the free PHPLD templates section.