Coh Influence

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Requirement needed: 2k, hammer, clay, bucket/jug, lobster cage, silk, Wizard Mind
Bomb, lvl7 crafting, lvl33 magic, lvl34 smithing (to smith steel nails)
Item suggested: Good weapon and armor, a lot of food, and benefiting potions if
Quest points required/quest completed: 32 quest points
Quest points given: 2
Reward: Combat exp, ability to wear Rune Body
Runescape Questing and Treasure Trails Guide
Ok, this is the big-honcho quest. It’ll require you to kill a lvl110 dragon. It is best if
you raise your combat level to 48+ or you’ll have a tough time doing this quest.
To begin this quest, head to the Champions’ Guild southwest of Varrock and talk to
the Guildmaster. Ask him about the Rune Plate. He’ll tell you to go to Oziach. Oziach lives
in a little shack house west of Edgeville.
Go to the house and talk to Oziach. He’ll tell you about the Dragon-Breath Shield.
Then talk to him about the pieces of the map. He’ll hand you one the key to Melzar’s
Maze. Now you have to find the three pieces of the map.
First map piece:
Once you are out of the maze, go to Oracle. She is on top of Ice Mountain which is
south of Black Knights Castle and north of the entrance to Dwarven Mine. She will tell you
to get these items:
- Crustation Cage: Also known as a Lobster Pot. You can get this in the Fishing Shop in
Port Sarim.
- Unfired Bowl: Get this by making Soft Clay from a clay ore and a bucket/jug of water
and using the Soft Clay on a Pottery Wheel.
- Sheet of Silk: You can buy this from the Silker in Al Kharid.
- Wizard Mind Bomb: Buy this from The Rising Sun bar in Falador from Barmaid.
Once you got these 4 items head back and talk to Oracle. Then go to the Dwarven
Mine. Go east and there will be a secret passageway. Head through the door and search
the chest for the first piece of the map.
Second map piece:
The first piece of the map is located inside Melzar’s Maze south of the Crafting
Guild. Make sure that you’re well equipped and have a lot of food. Now head to Melzar’s
Maze and use the key Oziach gave you on the door. Head inside. Hopefully, the room will
be crawling with red keys. If not, kill one of the rats (lvl13) to get a Red Key. Use that key
on the most northwestern door to unlock it. Then go around the corner and climb up the

Now you should be in a room filled with lvl-25 Ghosts. Kill one of them to get an
Orange Key. Use that key on the second door to the north on the east side of the room.
Climb the ladder.
This next room will be spawning with lvl-25 Skeleton. Kill one, get a Yellow Key,
and use that key on the most southwestern door. Climb the ladder.
On this floor, lvl-32 Zombies will be lurking around. Kill one to get a Blue Key and
use the key on the most northern door. Climb the ladder onto the next level.
The Magenta Key is needed to move onto the next room. Kill Melzar the Mad and
obtain his key. Use it on the north door.
Kill the lvl-71 Lesser Demon that is lurking in around the corner. Kill him to get a
Black Key. Use the key on the north door and open the chest for the second piece of the
Third map piece:
I consider this the easiest of the three map pieces to get. Remember, your magic
level must be 33 or higher to obtain this last piece. Go grab some runes (make sure you
have a law and air rune to use telekinetic grab) or a bow to kill Wormbrain, a lvl-7 goblin
that is trapped inside the Port Sarim Jail. Go there and kill him. Once he’s dead, he’ll drop
the third piece of the map. Use telekinetic grab on the third piece to get it.
Now that you have all three pieces, combine them with each other to get one big
map. Go talk to the Duke of Lumbridge in his palace and ask him for a Dragon-Breath
Shield. This shield will give you major protection against the dragon’s breath attack.
It’s now time to make 12 steel nails from 6 steel bars (requires lvl34 smithing to
make steel nails). Get the nails from whichever way you wish.
After you have the nails, head to Edgeville. Go straight north from the bank into
wilderness lvl-17 and then head east until you near a graveyard. Get 3 planks from the
area around this graveyard.
Go to a bank. Get 2k, a hammer, and keep the 3 planks and 12 nails with you. Go
to the dock in Port Sarim and speak to Klarense. Buy his boat for 2k. Head inside the boat
and use your planks on the three holes to prevent the boat from leaking.
Now head to Draynor Village. Speak to Ned. Ask him to sail you to Crandor. He’ll
flashback to his past as a sailor and agrees to help you.
Now it’s time that you prepare yourself to fight the dragon. Equip yourself with
good armor, a 1-handed weapon, the Dragon-Breath Shield, lots of food (preferably high
healing foods), and any stat boosting potions if necessary. Once ready, go towards your
boat in Port Sarim and head inside. Ned will be waiting. Tell him you’re ready and the boat
will set sail. Remember, once you sail away from Port Sarim to Crandor, the only way to
go back is through a secret wall in the Karamja Dungeon, past where the lvl110 dragon
Once the boat lands in Crandor, you’ll notice that you have to fix your boat again
with 3 planks before you can sail back to civilization (what bad luck for a leak at a time like
this). Get out of your boat. Make your way to the entrance of the dungeon by whirling
around the cliffs. You can easily find your way around. If a monster attacks you, simply
run away or fight it if you wish. Just don’t waste all of your food before you’d even gotten
to the dragon.
Once you’re inside the dungeon, some skeletons will be pondering around the path
towards the dragon. Run past these to save some time and food. You’ll notice a door
leading into a big chamber. This is where the dragon is. Drink your stat boosting potions
now if you have any. Be well prepared because once you head inside, the dragon will
begin to attack you. The battle between you and the dragon will probably go on for awhile
so be very cautious as to when to use your food when needed. Once you kill it, you’ll
automatically be teleported out to where the secret wall is. Give yourself a pat on the back
because that’s the end of the hardest and most time consuming quest for free players.
The only way now to get out of the dungeon is to head southeast and climb up a rope.
You’ll notice that you are in Karamja. Just get some 30gps to head back to Port Sarim by
sailing at the dock east of the Karamja Dungeon.
Summing it up:
1) – Talk to the Guildmaster inside the Champions’ Guild and ask about the rune plate
and how to obtain it.
2) – Head to Oziach’s house north of Barbarian Village on the outskirts of Edgeville. Talk
to him and he’ll give you Melzar’s Maze key.
3) – Talk to Oracle atop Ice Mountain south of Black Knights’ Fort.
4) – Obtain the following items.
- Crustation Cage: Get this lobster pot at any fishing store.

- Unfired Bowl: To make this, acquire some clay and a bucket or jug. Fill your bucket or
jug with water and use it with the clay. Heat your soft clay in a pottery oven and choose to
make an unfired bowl.
- Sheet of Silk: Buy this from the silk maker in Al-Kharid.
- Wizard Mind Bomb: Buy this from The Rising Sun bar in Falador from Barmaid.
5) – Talk to Oracle once again. Then head down into the Dwarven Mine using the
entrance south of the mountain.
6) – Head a little north into the nearest mining area. From there, head west and follow the
southwest path. Open the door (you won’t be able to open the door without the 4 needed
items). Search the chest for a map piece.
7) – Head south of the Crafting Guild and use your Melzar’s Maze key on the east door of
Melzar’s Maze. Kill the rat to acquire a colored key. Use the key on a locked door and
head upstairs to the next stage. On each stage, you’ll have to kill each creature in order to
obtain their colored key to get to the next stage.
8) – Once you’ve killed the Lesser Demon, use the key on the north door and open the
chest to acquire the second map piece.
9) – Now that you have 2 of the map pieces, head to south Port Sarim and enter the jail.
Use magic or long range equipments to kill Wormbrain the goblin. Activate telekinetic grab
to acquire the third piece of the map. Combine all three map pieces to get one large map.
10) – Go talk to the Duke of Lumbridge in the second floor of Lumbridge Castle. He’ll give
you an anti-dragon breath shield.
11) – Smith 12 nails from 6 steel bars (also possible to purchase it off of someone).
12) – Go to the cemetery northwest of Varrock in lvl18 wilderness and acquire 3 planks.
13) – Withdraw 2k and a hammer and head to Port Sarim. Talk to Klarense at the dock
and buy the broken boat for 2k.
14) – Talk to Ned in Draynor Village and he’ll agree to sail you to Crandor Isle.
15) – Prepare yourself with all the items needed to kill a high-leveled dragon. Go back to
Port Sarim and enter your boat. Fix the broken cracks with your nails and planks. Then
talk to Ned inside the boat to sail to Crandor.
16) – Head around the cliffs on Crandor and enter the dungeon on the middle of the
island. Head south past the skeletons until you see a big chamber to the west of you. This
is where the dragon is.
17) – Enter the door when you’re ready. Kill the dragon. You’ll be teleport out of the
chamber after you defeat it (note that you can’t enter the chamber ever again after you
complete this quest). Quest is now complete.

This extract is from <a href="">ig2t rs guide</a>

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