Rhino Beetle Trapper's Guide

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Revision as of 11:19, 3 December 2007 by Aubrey Moore (Talk | contribs) (Proposed Trap Placement)

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Proposed Trap Placement

  1. Hilton
  2. Westin

To Do

  • DONE: Fell standing dead coconuts at Faifai Beach and check for grubs
    • Done on 27 Nov 2007; 4 dead standing coconuts were felled; found 6 3rd instar; grubs in one of them --Phil 15:03, 29 November 2007 (PST)
  • DONE: Check/replace SPC traps at Ordot dump
  • DONE: Deliver 15 traps top Mark Rattcliff at Fiesta. Record GPS locations when deployed.
  • Make arrangements with Navy / Airforce for trap deployment/checking
  • DONE: Get data on LMS traps
  • More perimeter traps at Oka Pt. and near Two Lover's Pt.
      • How to dump your GPS data;

1 Open Easy GPS that you can download free 2 Turn on GPS & connect to computer with USB cable 3 On Easy GPS page press "Recieve" button 4 Save changes to file;

    • example: PIS76-2007-11-30
      • PIS (Plant Inspection Station) 76 (GPS#) (then date of dump)

5 Tansfer all data into Excel File (This will make it easy to tansfer information over the web) 6 E-mail GPS Dump file and Field data on xcell to--Phil 21:44, 29 November 2007 (PST)

 aubreymoore@guam.net or amoore@guam.uog.edu
