*[The following is adapted from Python Programming in OpenGL: A Graphical Approach to Programming by Stan Blank, Ph.D., Wayne City High School, Wayne City, Illinois, 62895. http://new.math.uiuc.edu/public198/ipython/stanblank/PyOpenGL.pdf]*
The logistic equation is a simple model of a single population within a habitat. We can expand this model to include populations which are dependent on one another, such as a predator-prey relationship. The Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model[57] was presented as a system of two differential equations as follows:
$dx/dt = ax − bxy$
$dy/dt = − cy + exy$
You probably haven’t studied differential equations, so I’ll attempt to interpret the meaning of these. Let’s define $x$ to be the prey population and $y$ the predator population. The first equation says something to the effect of “the change in $x$ (that’s the $dx$ term) with respect to time (the $dt$ term) is determined by some parameter $a$ times the previous $x$ population minus some parameter $b$ times the interaction between the previous prey and predator populations $(x*y)$”. Specifically, we would reason that that change in the prey population with respect to time ($dx/dt$) is affected by how many of these organisms are available to reproduce ($ax$) and the negative impact of the interaction between predators and prey ($-bx$). The predator population equation can be translated in a similar fashion. The important thing to realize is that both equations are “wired” together so that they interact with each other as do the populations they model.
How do we translate these differential equations into a form usable by Python? The equations assume continuous time, but we can’t program continuous time in any computer language. We must take some liberties and rewrite the equations as follows:
$x = x + (ax – bxy)dt$
$y = y + (-cy + exy)dt$
where $dt$ represents a very tiny time increment and both $dx$ and $dy$ are represented by $x$ and $y$ respectively. In the equations, the new population values are calculated by adding the old values of $x$ and $y$ to the change in populations represented by the equations in parentheses multiplied by the time increment. We can now use the equations in Python and solve them numerically by iteration. Technically, these equations are now called difference equations and the listing below will demonstrate their graphical behavior.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import *
from numpy import *
import sys
# model parameters
a = 0.7; b = 0.5; c = 0.3; e = 0.2
dt = 0.001; max_time = 100
# initial time and populations
t = 0; x = 1.0; y = 0.5
# empty lists in which to store time and populations
t_list = []; x_list = []; y_list = []
# initialize lists
t_list.append(t); x_list.append(x); y_list.append(y)
while t < max_time:
# calc new values for t, x, y
t = t + dt
x = x + (a*x - b*x*y)*dt
y = y + (-c*y + e*x*y)*dt
# store new values in lists
# Plot the results
p = plt.plot(t_list, x_list, 'r', t_list, y_list, 'g', linewidth = 2)
At t = 53.5, we will spray a broad spectrum pesticide which kills 90% of both populations.
# model parameters
a = 0.7; b = 0.5; c = 0.3; e = 0.2
dt = 0.001; max_time = 100
# initial time and populations
t = 0; x = 0.5; y = 0.5
# empty lists in which to store time and populations
t_list = []; x_list = []; y_list = []
# initialize lists
t_list.append(t); x_list.append(x); y_list.append(y)
time_bomb_armed = True
while t < max_time:
# calc new values for t, x, y
t = t + dt
if time_bomb_armed and t>53.5:
x = 0.1 * x
y = 0.1 * y
time_bomb_armed = False
x = x + (a*x - b*x*y)*dt
y = y + (-c*y + e*x*y)*dt
# store new values in lists
# Plot the results
p = plt.plot(t_list, x_list, 'r', t_list, y_list, 'g', linewidth = 2)
This is an unexpected result. When we reduce both populations by 90%, the prey population escapes from control by the predator population and has an outbreak. This rebound effect is often seen in the real world. For example, using a broad-spectrum insecticide to spray a field which contains aphids controlled by parasitoids may result in an increased population of aphids.