Topics Covered Since Exam 1
Insect Ecology
Population Dynamics
- Exponential growth model - unlimited growth
- Logistic Growth Model - growth limited by resources (carrying capacity)
Predator-prey relationships and biological control
- Lotka-Volterra model of predator-prey populations
- Insect parasitoids
- Pest resurgence
Social Insects
- Characteristics of eusociality:
- Reproductive division of labor (with or without sterile castes)
- Overlapping generations
- Cooperative care of young
- Hymenoptera and Isoptera include most social insects
- Advantages of insect sociality:
- Evolution of flowers
- Honeybee waggle dance: communication of direction and distance
Mimicry and Camouflage
- Camouflage can be considered to be a form of mimicry where an insect uses a background or object, such as a leaf or a twig, as its model.
- Batesian mimicry: where a harmless mimic poses as harmful
- Mullerian mimicry: where two or more harmful species mutually advertise themselves as harmful
Invasive Species
- Definition of an invasive Species
- Why are tropical islands so susceptible to damage by invasive species?
- Pathways
- Why do so many invasive insects belong to Hemiptera?
- Response to invasive insects